Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release (MFR) is a therapeutic technique that targets the myofascial tissues – the dense, tough tissue that surrounds and covers all your muscles and bones. In this treatment, I apply sustained pressure into the myofascial connective tissue to eliminate pain and restore motion. The process involves gently stretching and massaging the myofascia, allowing for the release of tightness and tension, leading to significant relief and improved physical function. This method is especially beneficial for those experiencing chronic pain or mobility restrictions.

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At Connecta Physio, I offer specialized Myofascial Release treatment, a therapeutic approach designed to alleviate pain and restore mobility by targeting the myofascial connective tissue. This technique is highly effective in addressing chronic pain, tension, and stiffness that stems from various musculoskeletal conditions. During each session, I apply gentle, sustained pressure to the myofascial connective tissue to eliminate pain and restore motion, ensuring the treatment is customized to your specific needs and health goals.

Our Myofascial Release therapy is not just about temporary relief; it focuses on identifying and treating the root causes of discomfort. By working on releasing the restrictions within the fascial network, I can help enhance your body's natural ability to heal and maintain balance. This approach is integral to improving flexibility, enhancing strength, and promoting overall physical well-being.
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What kind of injuries and conditions are treated with Myofascial Release?

Back Pain

This common ailment, often due to poor posture or sedentary habits, leads to tight myofascial tissues. MFR eases these restrictions, alleviating pain and enhancing mobility.


Marked by widespread pain and fatigue, fibromyalgia involves sensitive myofascial tissues. MFR gently releases tension, offering relief and improved well-being.

Sports Injuries

Athletes with muscle strains and sprains benefit from MFR. It relieves myofascial tightness, boosts flexibility, and speeds up recovery.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

This common ailment, often due to poor posture or sedentary habits, leads to tight myofascial tissues. MFR eases these restrictions, alleviating pain and enhancing mobility.